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Do You Want Board Members Who Are Empowered to Be in Full Service to Your Mission?

Then You Need to Get Them Off to a Strong Start with a Powerful Board Orientation System

We know that boards influence the performance of your nonprofit...So, having an effective board is really important to your mission and that’s what you care about right?One of the biggest opportunities you have to ensure your board realizes its full potential and advances your organization’s mission is in orienting new members effectively.

But orienting board members isn't always easy. 

You're busy and don't have the time to ensure board members get everything they need to fully understand the responsibilities and opportunities of their role. 

Here are some of the most common challenges nonprofit leaders face related to board orientation:

1. They focus on the organization and not governance, so board members don't learn enough about their roles and responsibilities. 

2. Oversight and rules are emphasized versus opportunities for impact and contribution.

3. Key messages executives want board members to understand are rarely included.

3. Time needed to repeat the orientation whenever a new member joins is a burden. 

4. It’s hard to ensure every board member receives consistent information.

I’ve been hearing these challenges and more for a long time. 

And I hate to see executives and board members struggle with things there are solutions for.

Until now, there haven't been any solutions that fully address these challenges.

I created a solution and deliver it for you in a way that is:

1. Easy to use

2. Can access from anywhere 

3. Available 24/7 for convenience

4. Comprehensive

5. Affordable

Being a CEO is a solitary role but I have come to know that Mary is always available to listen and help me process challenges and opportunities. And Mary is also a mentor and fountain of wisdom on all things related to governance. Mary draws on her interpersonal skills and her own nonprofit CEO experience, offering support and guidance for both the executive and the human being. She guides expertly through all the difficulties a CEO encounters and challenges thinking constructively. As a result, decisions and leadership are more effective.


Christine Duncan

MSW, CEO, YWCA Monterey

When I first reached out to Mary I was feeling incredibly overwhelmed by my lack of knowledge and experience. She was extremely supportive, responsive, and an objective sounding board encouraging mission-driven clarity and focus. Mary shared tried and true tools, resources, and guidance in many areas relevant to an executive director. Mary’s outstanding experience and expertise, and her direct, professional approach, have helped me increase my understanding, knowledge, and most importantly my confidence as a leader.

Lisa McCarty

President, All Aboard for Kids


  Hi I'm Mary Hiland

I'm Mary Hiland, and I understand what executive directors and board members need and want in board orientations. 

I've been involved with nonprofits for over 40 years, including 26 years as an executive director. 

I’ve also spent many years serving on boards as a board member. So I’ve sat on both sides of the table and understand both perspectives. 

I also understand all the demands you face as an executive director and how hard it can be to put the systems in place to ensure an effective board. 

Over these last 20 years of coaching nonprofit leaders, I've seen what an asset an effective board can be. I’ve become passionate about helping executive directors unleash the full potential of their boards.

But the truth is, board members can't make their full contribution if they don't get the knowledge they need from the get go. 

I'm confident that what I've created in Board Orientation Success will be extremely valuable for you and your board. 

See What People Using the Program Have to Say

"An incredibly valuable and affordable way for our Board of Directors to grow."

"Board Orientation Success has been an incredibly valuable and affordable way for our Board of Directors to grow in its governance role.

The fact that directors can move through it individually at their own pace, and when and how it’s convenient for them is particularly helpful and also less expensive than in-person trainings. 

I’ve already seen new board members really benefit from the core guidance and understanding this program offers. Board Orientation Success is now an integral part of our board development tool kit.” 

~~ Don Burgett, Executive Director, LifeLab

"As an Executive Director, I found it to be very valuable.”

"This training is succinct as well as thorough, providing the most critical information to a new Board member as well as a great refresher for existing Board members.

As an Executive Director, I found it to be very valuable to remind me of the range of roles that a Board member can contribute to my organization and how I can better relate to my Board members.

Thank you!"

~~Maria Nicolacoudis, Executive Director, Respite & Research for Alzheimer's Disease

"With this tool you are helping so many agencies truly be the best they can be."

"When I was Executive Director of JW House, I was working to assist my Board in transforming from a “working board” to a “governing board”, Board Orientation Success is an effective tool in educating new members. 

Having this training available to my new Board members gives me assurance that we are supporting the Board members to be the best they can be as partners in achieving our organization’s impact 

In the nonprofit arena, it is all too common that organizations have no true Board member orientation. In addition, these organizations do not have the resources and time to create them.

Thank you, Mary, with this tool you are helping so many agencies truly be the best they can be.” 

~~ Larissa Robideaux, Executive Director, CEN, formerly with JW House 

"I became much more aware of my role as a board member."

“I found Board Orientation Success to be clear and concise. It was easy to use, personal, and thorough. As a result of completing this program, I became much more aware of my role as a board member. I strongly recommend this program for other nonprofit boards.”

~~ Jamie Arreola, YWCA, Board Member

"The program is well-presented and in bite-sized pieces, so it is easy to use and complete."

“Board Orientation Success provides an excellent overview for new board members, especially those with no prior experience serving on a nonprofit board. But is it also a great review for experienced board members on how to stay focused on what is important.

The program is well-presented and in bite-sized pieces, so it is easy to use and complete. The Action Guides were a big help in digesting and reinforcing the information. I strongly recommend Board Orientation Success as a great resource for any nonprofit board.”

~~ Kathy Sullivan, President, Morgan Hill Historical Society

Here’s What Your Board Members Will Learn

Module 1: Get Off to a Great Start

To ensure success with this program, board members will get a quick but thorough overview of everything included in the program and how to best use it.

They'll also get tools and resources to help them take action on what they learn throughout the program. 

Module 2: Five Ways You Make an Impact as a Board Member

A successful governance orientation requires board members to understand why they (and the board) are important and the real impact they can have in advancing your mission. 

This module provides evidence-based information, so your board members will know and feel that they do really matter to your nonprofit and how. 

Module 3: The Four Components of Governance

So many board members think governance is just oversight. This short-changes your nonprofit. 

Yes, oversight is important. But board members are inspired to do even more when they understand the full scope of governance and how they can best engage. 

Module 4: The Three Legal Duties

Many board members don’t know the three legal duties US law requires of every board member. 

Understanding these duties promotes engagement, integrity, clarity about the scope of board member authority and more. 

Module 5: Get Inspired About Your Role as a Board Member

This module provides a complete picture of all of the roles, responsibilities, and opportunities for board members that fall within “governance” (well beyond just oversight). 

Board members are encouraged to understand governance using a leadership mindset, partnering with the executive director to add value and advance the mission.

Module 6: Graduation

Board members have a celebration waiting for them when they complete the program. 

They'll get a brief graduation module that includes a certificate of completion and two special bonuses. 

"I found that I learned more about myself, the skills I have, and how to use them."

“As an Executive Director completing Board Orientation Success, I found that I learned more about myself, the skills I have, and how to use them—especially in working with my board. The program was easy to follow. It is excellent for new board members and a great start to helping them find that special spot in the organization where they can best serve the mission. As a result of completing this program, I will be meeting with each board member to review their experience and learn where they can become more involved.” 

~~ Kathy Sullivan, President, Morgan Hill Historical Society

"I am happy to report that this was time well spent."

“Board Orientation Success offers an excellent, succinct overview of how to be a successful nonprofit board member. I’ve served on several boards and I am happy to report that this was time well spent. Mary gives numerous examples from her extensive experience that illustrated the concepts very well.”

~~ Kim Guptill, Board Member, Grail Family Services

Here’s How it Works

1. A Powerful Online Program

To make this program accessible and convenient for anyone, this online program uses a state-of-the-art course delivery platform. 

Upon joining the Board Orientation Success program, you'll gain password protected access to the online learning center. 

This access, unique to your nonprofit, can be shared with all of your current board members and all of your new board members. 

Every module is brief and available 24/7 for your board members’ convenience. 

2. Action Guides

Each module includes an Action Guide downloadable in both Microsoft Word and PDF formats. 

The Action Guides summarize what is covered in the module. 

They also provide action items that reinforce the learning so each board member can apply what is learned. 

3. Possibilities Form

The Possibilities Form is for board members to use throughout the program. 

It provides coaching and thought-provoking questions to help board members reflect on their unique talents, skills, interests, resources etc.

With the Possibilities Form, board members will discover how their unique gifts can serve the board and have the greatest impact. 

No Risk 100% Money Back Guarantee

Just complete the program within 30 days of gaining access.

If you do not agree this is a great resource for your nonprofit, you will receive a full refund.

Get Board Orientation Success Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How long does it take to complete the program?

A. User's report a little over an hour. It depends on how much time board members take to complete Action Guide questions. 

Q. How long do we have access to it? 

A. You and your entire board have life time access to the program. You'll also get any updates made to the program.

Q. How many people can use it at the same time? 

A. There are no limits on who can be using it at the same time. All your board members, interestested staff and volunteers can access it with your nonprofit's unique login.

Q. How much does it cost? 

A. It's just a one time investment of $697 - for your whole organization. There are no renewal fees and all updates are free.

Q. Is there a guarantee?

A. Yes. Just complete the program within 30 days of gaining access and, if you do not agree this is a great resource for your nonprofit, you will receive a full refund.

Get Board Orientation Success Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

I understand completely. Just click the "Talk with Mary" button below. 

As soon as you do, you'll get an email with a link to my online calendar. 

We'll schedule a quick call so I can answer your questions, see if this is a fit for you and your board. I'll even guide you in how to easily present the opportunity to your board.

Talk with Mary

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